W25 Bizops Quests

WATonomous Quest Book - Winter 2025 (W25)

Term Objectives Summary

The objectives for Winter 2025 focus on securing funding, enhancing marketing efforts, and progressing with hardware and software integration for the autonomous car. The following key areas are critical for WATonomous' continued success:

  1. Funding
    • Secure funding from WEEF, MEF, Deans, Engsoc, and external sources.
  2. Marketing
    • Create social media content to showcase progress, and ensure the robot moves at an information stand.
  3. Website
    • Sponsorship Page
    • Blog Page

Term Objectives and Scoring


  1. WEEF Funding
10/10Full funding secured with all necessary documents submitted and approval received.
7/10Partial funding secured or submission in progress.
4/10Preliminary discussions held, no official submission.
0/10No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least a submission for funding for a score above 4/10.

  1. MEF Funding
10/10Full funding secured with all necessary documents submitted and approval received.
7/10Partial funding secured or submission in progress.
4/10Preliminary discussions held, no official submission.
0/10No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least a submission for funding for a score above 4/10.

  1. Deans’ Funding
10/10Full funding secured with all necessary documents submitted and approval received.
7/10Partial funding secured or submission in progress.
4/10Preliminary discussions held, no official submission.
0/10No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least a submission for funding for a score above 4/10.

  1. Engsoc Funding
10/10Full funding secured with all necessary documents submitted and approval received.
7/10Partial funding secured or submission in progress.
4/10Preliminary discussions held, no official submission.
0/10No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least a submission for funding for a score above 4/10.

  1. External Funding
10/10Full external funding secured, and discussions completed with partners.
7/10Partial external funding secured or submission in progress.
4/10Initial outreach made to potential external funders.
0/10No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least one external partner reached out for a score above 4/10.


  1. Social Media Posts
10/10Multiple posts made regularly, showcasing key milestones and progress with high engagement.
7/10Posts made but with limited engagement or frequency.
4/10Few posts made with little to no engagement.
0/10No posts made.

Minimum Requirements: At least one post with reasonable engagement for a score above 4/10.

  1. Information Stand with Moving Robot
5/5Fully operational stand with robot moving autonomously in front of a live audience.
3/5Partial setup with the robot moving in a limited capacity.
1/5Stand set up but robot not moving or operational.
0/5No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least a partial setup for a score above 1/5.


  1. Sponsorship Page
5/5Fully operational with sponsors and little edits needed
3/5Partially operational with sponsors
1/5Operational but no sponsors
0/5No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least a partial setup for a score above 1/5.

  1. Blog Page
5/5Fully operational with blog posts and little edits
3/5Fully operational with either blog posts or little edits
1/5Operational but neither blog posts or many edits needed
0/5No progress.

Minimum Requirements: At least a partial setup for a score above 1/5.

Scoring Template

Quest NameDescriptionDue DateScore
WEEF FundingFull funding secured.2025-04-15
MEF FundingFull funding secured.2025-04-15
Deans’ FundingFull funding secured.2025-04-15
Engsoc FundingFull funding secured.2025-04-15
External FundingFull external funding secured.2025-04-15
Social Media PostsRegular posts made with high engagement.2025-04-15
Information StandRobot moving at the stand.2025-04-15
Sponsorship PageOperational Sponsorship Page2025-04-15
Blog PageOperational Blog Page2025-04-15