Creating Personal Purchases

Creating Personal Purchases

  1. Go to (opens in a new tab)
  2. Create New Ticket > Ticket Type: Personal Purchase
  3. Enter all purchase details. For funding item link, you would either be using FI-1 (WATO Cash) or one of the Funding Items that match the category. For example, if you're purchasing an RTX 4090 it would probably fit under GPU funding.
  4. Await team approval. Please reach out to the finance team and the faculty advisor.
  5. Once this has been completed, the status will transition to READY_FOR_BUY. You should purchase the item at this step.
  6. Once the item has been purchased, please upload the University of Waterloo Finance Expense Claim Form. Instructions found below.
  7. Click Confirm Item(s) Purchased and Submit Reimbursement

Creating Expense Claim Forms

  1. Navigate here (opens in a new tab)
  2. Click the link in step 1 titled "reimbursement form (excel)"
  3. Enter the following fields
  4. Payee is Student
  5. Claimant Name, Student Number, Department, Phone Number, E-mail Address
  6. Mailing Address, City, Province/State, Postal Code. For these, use the address your items were shipped to, or your personal address.
  7. Destination/Reason for Request: Please put the corresponding reference number. For WEEF, this can be found here. (opens in a new tab) Reach out to @smileycow on Discord if you do not know what this is
  8. Ignore the Travel Advance Request section, and fill in your item details on the next section. For the description, please put the name of your item, and if available, the reason it was purchased.
  9. Has an advance been issued: No
  10. Enter your signature of Claimant
  11. Follow the rest of the instructions on the original page (opens in a new tab) (steps 2 to 4)
  12. Upload the receipt to the corresponding personal purchase at (opens in a new tab)